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Fakulti Sains Kesihatan, Kampus Shah Alam, Universiti Selangor ingin melantik Pensyarah (DS45) di bawah Jabatan Diagnostik Perubatan bagi mengisi kekosongan jawatan dan keperluan yang terdapat di fakulti dengan kelayakan akademik seperti berikut:
1. Warganegara Malaysia;
2. Berumur 18 tahun ke atas pada tarikh lantikan jawatan;
3. Mempunyai Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (PhD) atau Ijazah Sarjana dan Ijazah Sarjana Muda (CGPA 3.0 ke atas) dalam bidang Pengimejan Perubatan yang diiktiraf oleh kerajaan Malaysia daripada institusi-institusi pengajian tinggi atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya;
4. Mempunyai pengetahuan dalam Ultrasound merupakan satu kelebihan;
5. Kepujian Bahasa Malaysia / Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris (termasuk lulus Ujian Lisan) pada peringkat Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia atau kelulusan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya oleh kerajaan;
6. Berpengalaman sekurang-kurangnya tiga (3) tahun dalam Klinikal berkaitan atau yang setaraf dengannya; dan
7. Mempunyai kemahiran dalam penggunaan Digital Radiography
Tarikh akhir penerimaan borang permohonan adalah pada atau sebelum : 31 Mac 2025
UNISEL operates at two campuses; the main campus is in Bestari Jaya and the city campus in Shah Alam.
Shah Alam Campus is supported by good infrastructure and facilities. It is located in the capital city of Selangor and houses the following faculties and department: Faculty of Business and Accountancy Faculty of Health Sciences Centre for Graduate Studies
Bestari Jaya Campus is a sprawling 1,000-acre learning centre hosting the following faculties and department: Faculty of Education and Social Science Faculty of Communication, Visual Art and Computing: – Computing Department – Communication Department – Visual Art Department Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences: – Engineering Department – Science & Biotechnology Department Foundation and General Studies
FCVAC or Faculty of Communication, Visual Art and Computing consists of 3 departments.
- Communication Department
- Visual Art Department
- Computing Department
FBA or Faculty of Business and Accounting is conveniently located in Shah Alam.
- Accounting & Finance Department
- Marketing & Muamalat Administration Department
- Human Resources Management Department
- Information Management & Analytic Department
FELS or Faculty of Engineering and Life Sciences is conveniently located in Bestari Jaya.
- Engineering Department
- Science & Biotechnology Department
FESS or Faculty of Education and Social Sciences still holds the record as the biggest faculty in Unisel Bestari Jaya in terms of the quantity and enrollment of students, with considerations to the programs offered in our faculty.
- Education Department
- Social Science Department
CFGS or Centre for Foundation and General Studies UNISEL was founded in 2014 and operates in Bestari Jaya. The centre offers four basic stages of the program;
- Foundation in Science, Foundation in Information Technology
- Foundation for B. Ed. TESL
- Foundation in Management.
FSK or Faculty of Health Sciences is conveniently located in Shah Alam
CGS or Centre for Graduate Studies constitutes an interesting strategic development in UNISEL. It works closely with all the faculties in the university to develop and enhance academic and social experience of graduate students who are learning and doing research.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Information on the application process, deadlines, and required documents.
Universiti Selangor (UNISEL), formerly known as Universiti Industri Selangor was established on 23rd August 1999 and was given an approval under Private Higher Education Institutions Act 1996 (Act 555) on 14 March 2000. We are currently operating at two campuses; the sprawling 1000-acre Main Campus in Bestari Jaya and the City Campus in Shah Alam. Our establishment is in line with the State Government’s intention to make Selangor the leading regional education hub. Selangor plays an active role in the delivery of higher education programmes in order to enhance the development of human capital excellence. As one of the earliest private institutions of higher learning in Malaysia, UNISEL is unique as it is Malaysia’s first state-owned university.
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